Saturday, December 13, 2008

Road Crosser 9 - Sabah, Malaysia

Until I could take a picture of an elephant crossing the road I think this would be the largest of the road crossers I've shot so far!

This water buffalo had to work although he would very much like to be soaking in his favourite mudhole! It looks as if he had dropped all the load in his sled and was walking across the road away in protest! But the fact is that his human minder had just unloaded the bunches of oil palm fruits (those reddish things on the roadside) and he's headed into the field for more! A hard working beast of burden he is! (My photo - 2008)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Road Crosser 8 another reptile - Sabah, Malaysia

Another monitor crossing the road, at least this one is alive.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Road Crosser (almost) 7 - Sabah, Malaysia

Monitor lizards, although they are no chickens, cross roads too. But it seems, in spite of having four legs they are not as good as chicken in crossing roads! This one almost made it across the road, but unfortunately the car was faster and ran over it before it could do so! (My photos - 2008)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Road-crosser 6 - Tawagan, Philippines

Why did the hen cross the road so slowly? 'Coz there are no cars coming, only this boy on his bike and the road is half flooded, now if it were a duck it could swim across the road! Photo taken on a rural road in Zamboanga del Sur, Mindanao, South Philippines. (My Photo - May 2008)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Canal-crosser 5 - De Kleine Deelen, The Netherlands

This post is made with the kind permission of A.B. van der Weide of the Netherlands who first posted this fantastic photo on with the title Braveheart! Braveheart has to be brave to lead his big harem of hens across the canal, hasn't he?!

He said: "...The photoslide is one of a series in which I saw a group of chicken crossing a plank. Just pure luck to get this one..., will never shoot such a lucky shot again."

Well, then why did the chicken cross the canal? I guess, if you got your geography right, because there are more canals than roads in Holland...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Road-crosser 4 - Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Why do the ducks cross the village road? To prove that they are not chicken! Jeneponto, South Sulawesi in Indonesia. (My photo - April 2008)

Road-crosser 3 - Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Why did this hen cross the broken road? To join her mate on the other side... Photo taken in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi. (My photo - April 2008)

Road-crosser 2 - Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

This bird (it looks like a free-range broiler) was photographed crossing the narrow road of South Sulawesi somewhere in Bone District. Better hurry up because this van is driven by a crazy driver! (My photo - April 2008)

Road-crosser 1 - Sabah, Malaysia

A wild red jungle fowl crossing a plantation road in Sabah (Borneo), Malaysia. Why did it cross the road? Donno, there's a car coming? (My Photo - January 2008)