Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 Year of the Chicken

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to year 2017 of course!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Road Crosser 15 - Tana Toraja, Indonesia

AT long last, after more than two years, here's another post on my chicken-crossing-road blog. This photo was taken in February 2012 in the village of Sangalla on my first and (so far) only visit to the Toraja highlands in South Sulawesi.

I asked the locals this question in Bahasa Indonesia: Mengapa ayam menyeberang jalan? But everyone just shook their heads. Then I had my question translated into the local language: Napai manuk na lenduk jo lalan?  And I got the same response!

So why the F do chickens cross roads???  (My photo - 2012)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

K9 Road Crosser 14 - Pagadian City, Philippines

This is another canine road crosser, a streetwise city dog, so crossing busy city streets is no problem for him. (My photo - 2009)

Road Crosser 13 - Sabah, Malaysia

We've been straying from the issue of chickens crossing roads in my last few posts. Well, although a Coucal is not a chicken but at least it's a bird, an avian. As you can see it's half flying, half running across the road, not as elegant as a chicken. (My photo - 2010)

Road Crosser 12 is a Monkey - Sabah, Malaysia

Now, this is a road crosser that's higher up on the evolutionary scale, below apes and of course Homo. So he thinks he can cross roads without anybody questioning why? Pourquoi? Pourquoi pas? (My photo - 2010)

Bovine Roadrunner 11 - Sabah, Malaysia

This bull isn't crossing the road but thinks he's a roadrunner! He's certainly not a chicken. (My Photo 2010)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

K9 Road Crosser 10 - Sabah, Malaysia

When a dog crosses the road nobody asks why. It's just doing its own business, 'coz it's a dog's business to cross roads.

Photo taken on the road near Mt Kinabalu National Park on a cold misty day. (My Photo - January 2009)